Adeline's Donation

"I have always had the habit of leaving my hair till slightly beyond shoulder length before cutting it short.

Once when doing so, my hairdresser commented that it was a waste to just throw the cut hair away since it is rare to have virgin hair of quality as good as mine (thanks to my mum for her good genes :) ).

This triggered the idea of donating my hair for a good cause. I went online to search for an organization that supports this cause and found Recycle Your Hair, and thus began my personal project of keeping my hair long till it reached slightly more than the minimum length required for donation.

This was definitely a challenge and totally out of the norm for me to keep my hair till such a length. Snipping it off felt really good but it is more comforting that I am able to help someone! :)"

Name: Adeline
Length: 15 inches
Date donated: 19/01/2015